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Research Training Checklist

You have only one chance to make a great first impression


To be properly trained is key for doing science accurately and safely. This is why we require everyone, students and more experienced researchers alike, to do the required trainings before you start working in the lab.


This training is likely going to take you the better part of a week. Some trainings take a few days to activate - so, start now!


This also is our first way of determining how dedicated you are.


Is this too much to ask already? Can you read and follow instructions? Can you assemble and submit the required documentation as requested?


If the answer to those questions is no, you probably are not the right fit for our team.



Research Conduct


Before we get to the nitty-gritty part of research training, let's reflect on the process of science first and what can go awry that leads us to low-quality science, faulty results, or questionable ethics. Please read this article before you start the other trainings.


"There is no such thing as a Scientific Mind. Scientists are people of very dissimilar temperaments doing different things in very different ways. Among scientists are collectors, classifiers, and compulsive tidiers-up; many are detectives by temperament and many are explorers; some are artists, and others artisans. There are poet-scientists and philosopher-scientists and even a few mystics. What sort of mind or temperament can all these people be supposed to have in common? Obligative scientists must be very rare, and most people who are in fact scientists could easily have been something else instead."


Peter Medawar


"Hypothesis and Imagination" (Times Literary Supplement, 25 Oct 1963)





EHS Training (Online Automatic Verification)


There are nine required EHS-Related Training Modules for Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience Students that can be taken online.  A passing grade is required (indicated by a green check). Click the link above, then choose "Class Schedule and Registration." 


1. Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Under Compressed Gas Cylinders) 


2. Dry Ice Shipping (Under Dry Ice) 


3. General Lab Safety (Under Chemical Safety) 


4. Safe Autoclave Use and Verification (Under Biological Safety) 


5. Introduction to Biological Safety Cabinets (Under Biological Safety) 


6. Laboratory Hazardous Waste (Under Biological Safety) 


7. Biosafety for Research Labs (Under Biological Safety)

NOTE: You need to register for the training WITH Bloodborne Pathogens Training:

  1. When you register for the course, you must check “Yes” for the question asking if you handle human or NHP material (last question just above the submit button).

  2. When you launch the training, “Bloodborne Pathogens” should be in the title of the first slide.  If it is not, you are registered for the wrong version.

  3. To register for the training, please use the following link (  Go to “Biological Safety”, and select “Register” for “Biosafety for Research Labs”.  Follow the online instructions.

  4. Some people have had an issue launching the training in Chrome, so we recommend using Safari, Firefox or IE.


8. Personal Protective Equipment Awareness (Under Personal Protective Equipment)  


9. Portable Fire Extinguishers (Under Fire and Life Safety) 


10. Formaldehyde Safety (Under Chemical Safety)


Follow this link and then choose "My EHS Profile" to verify the completion of each training: 




IACUC Training (Online PDF Verification) 

There are four required IACUC Related Training Modules for The Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience Research Students. Two of these online training modules have an online test, in which you MUST receive a passing grade. Signup with your VT Email address and COMPLETE ALL FOUR TRAINING MODULES.


1. Core and Refresher IACUC Training (New Users)

2. Virginia Tech Specific IACUC Training 

3. Occupational Health and Safety Training 

NOTE: Indicate Potential Work with Rats/Mice, Birds or Fish (Yes you have the potential to work with Mice and Rats)

4. EHSS Questionnaire (Fill this out when you first come into the lab- information on how to fill this survey out is located in the google drive)

NOTE: This survey is confidential. 


Verify Completion of Training at the following link, and SAVE a COPY of Verification as a PDF (Name - IACUS.pdf):




NIH Guidelines Training (Online, PDF) 

There is one required NIH Guidelines Training for Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience Research Students. There are two links: The first is for training information and the second is for a quiz. 




 For the Quiz: 

      -Go to Section: Protocol-Specific Required Training 

      -To complete the quiz: Follow "How do I complete the training?" section (Required Login)


You will receive a certification of completion by email if you successfully complete the quiz. Please save a copy of the certificate as a PDF (Name-NIH.pdf)


Title IX Training (Online, PDF)

There is one required Title IX training for Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience Research Students. Sign up for the Title IX training by clicking the link and be sure to complete the two-week follow-up quiz to complete the training.


Provide the PDF verification of completion (Name-TitleIX.pdf). You can also confirm your training completion under "My EHS Profile" here: 




Laser Safety Training (Online or In-Person)

These laser safety training sessions require online or in person participation and many of these classes may not have immediate openings so make sure to plan in advance. 




Submission of PDF Verification 

Once you have successfully completed all training modules, please send a single email to Dr. Carmen Munoz-Ballester ( with the following documentation:

1. Screenshot of EHS Training Profile Page (showing completed trainings)

2. Screenshot of IACUC Training Profile Page (showing completed trainings)

3. IACUC Certification PDF

4. NIH Certification PDF 

5. Title IX Certification PDF


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