Our Questions

Proper brain function is mediated by neurons and shaped by glial cells. Astrocytes are glial cells in the brain that have many roles during development and in the mature brain.
Our lab studies the fascinating changes that astrocytes undergo in neurological disease or when the brain is injured by mild Traumatic Brain Injury/ Concussion.
We ask how these changes affect astrocyte functions:
(1) at the synapse where astrocytes are responsible for maintaining ion and neurotransmitter homeostasis
(2) at the network level - Do local changes in astrocyte function affect neuronal network function and behavior?
(3) at the vasculature where astrocytes contribute to the maintenance of the blood-brain barrier and regulation of blood flow.
We study how cellular changes affect astrocyte physiology in the context of brain injury or disease and if these may contribute to neurodegeneration and dementia.
Our Team Vision, Mission, Purpose, and Values
Why we exist. The Robel Lab does research to advance our knowledge of how the brain works, to empower the public with this knowledge, and to promote brain health.
Our vision of the future. We fully understand how astrocytes shape brain function and how they contribute to brain injury and neurological disease.
Mission – how we will get there. In the Robel lab, we empower and support each other in service of uncovering each lab member’s authentic voice and purpose. We tap into our creativity to find and answer those big questions in astrocyte biology by doing top-notch science.
Our team values (click to learn more). Growth. Integrity. Creativity. Fun. Personal Fulfillment. Leadership. Trust.

We care about diversity, equity, and inclusion!
We believe that each person is uniquely brilliant. We are internationals, single, married, parents, African-American, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, first-gen, disabled, socioeconomically disadvantaged, or not, catholic, atheists, spiritual, orthodox, christian, baptist, Mediterranian, American, undergrad, VT graduate, transfer student, postdoc, postbac, professor, research scientist, research assistants, medical doctor, neuroscientist, glial/ molecular biologist, US citizens, visa/ green card holders, LGBTQI+, straight, dedicated to the academic track, going to med school soon, interested in jobs outside of academia, military reserve, active duty, feminist, anti-racist.
Who are you? We support each team member equally because of who they are. We embrace and build on diversity. We respect every person independent of race, religion, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, military service, national origin, immigration, academic rank and position, socioeconomic status, and/or political preferences as long as they respect the dignity of all individuals.
We take ownership for educating ourselves about diversity, equity, and inclusion subjects. We commit to having uncomfortable conversations, resolve our biases, and change behaviors to make all members of our community feel included and valued. During our monthly and weekly personal development, we dedicate time to the discussion of diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges within the team and beyond. We will find solutions including changes to our personal behavior, beliefs, and/or world views. We are allies; we use our power and privilege to advocate externally for others and call out discriminatory behavior.
We are committed to cultivating a physically, mentally, and emotionally safe environment built on mutual trust and respect. We acknowledge our responsibility in changing a historically discriminating academic system. To do so, we use processes and tools for recruiting team members that circumvent biases and emphasize potential and fit for the job. Each team member is given training, mentorship, and opportunities for professional growth.
All team members are expected to stretch out of their comfort zone and be proactive participants in driving team performance. We understand that a safe environment is foundational to high performance but not mutually exclusive to high standards and the occasional discomfort from performing in the roam of excellence. We support every member of our team to find and perform within their unique zone of excellence and to prepare for the next stage in their career – whatever that may be – while driving our shared goals now.

Our 2019 cover article in The Journal of Neuroscience showing that mild concussive brain injury is sufficient to cause seizures and that astrocytes are likely at the root of the issue.
Our Lab Space in Roanoke